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Why The Enemy Fights The Blessing On Our Lives

By December 23, 2021 No Comments

God has amazing plans for your life and the enemy has gotten wind of these things, so he will try his best to prevent it. God has given some of us a vision that will take a level of wealth to accomplish. However, the enemy will attack us financially. We must use our faith. When we give, it shall be given back (Luke 6:38) to us and that the devourer is rebuked for our sakes (Malachi 3:11). God is the best compensator and provider. Know that the financial harvest is on the way.

God uses people to bless us. Some of these people will have the resources or connections we need for our next level. However, the enemy will cause people to come against or betray you as Judas did with Jesus. These people are have allowed jealousy, pride, or greed to enter their hearts. For example, Absalom, King David’s son, tried to steal his father’s throne due to wrong motives (2 Samuel 15-19). God will ensure that His plan for your life will be established. He will protect you and remove the wrong people from your life if you ask Him. For every wrong people that exit out of your life, God will send many who are faithful and just to fill their places.

Whenever you are walking in the blessings of God, some things can go wrong because the enemy wants us to focus on the problems and forget about what the Lord just has done. When the Israelites were in the wilderness, they complained a lot because they focused on the issues while forgetting that God had just brought them out of Egypt (Numbers 11). As a result, their journey to the Promised Land was hindered.  Have an attitude of gratitude so your blessings won’t be delayed.


Listen to Kimberly’s broadcasts:

Repeat Offenders

Witchcraft Attacks

Overcoming Temptation

Kimberly Moses started off her ministry as Kimberly Hargraves. She is highly sought after as a prophetic voice, intercessor and prolific author. There is no doubt that she has a global mandate on her life to serve the nations of the world by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She has a quickly expanding worldwide healing and deliverance ministry. Kimberly Moses wears many hats to fulfill the call God has placed on her life as an entrepreneur over several businesses including her own personal brand Rejoice Essentials which promotes the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She also serves as a life coach and mentor to many women. She is also the loving mother of two wonderful children. She is married to Tron. Kimberly has dedicated her life to the work of ministry and to serve others under the call God has placed over her life. Kimberly currently resides in South Carolina.