(Matthew 14:22-33)

In the midst of a great storm, Jesus came walking on water. He told Peter to come to him and as long as Peter was looking to Jesus, he was walking on water.

The problem only came when Peter decided to look to his side. Looking to Jesus and focusing on him is the answer to our challenges in life.

Anything that distracts you from looking to Jesus should be removed from your life.


Looking to Jesus does not mean seeing him with our physical eyes. Here is what it means:

1) Concentrating on the word of God. Christ and the word are one (John 1:1, 14)

2) Meditating on the love of God and the finished work of the cross

3) Depending on God for everything


1) You will realize who you are.

The more we look at Christ, the more we realize who we are because as Christ is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17)

2) You will realize what you can do.

Peter walked on water when he was looking at Christ. The moment he looked to the side, he began to sink.

You will discover your abilities and strengths as you continuously look at Christ.

3) You will realize the smallness of your problems.

Christ is bigger than our problems. As we look at Christ, we realize that our problems cannot match His greatness.

4) You will enjoy divine peace.

If you are looking at Christ, you will not get worried or stressed by anything. There is nothing to fear because Jesus is on our side.

5) You will have the solutions and the answers.

Jesus has every answer and solution to all this life’s problems. All you need is to look to Him.

6) You will realize that Jesus is all that you will ever need in your life.

Jesus is complete. He has it all. He is able to solve all our financial, social, marital, mental, or physical problems.

7) You will see that every problem is temporary and a great testimony in the making.

When you are looking at Christ, you will always approach life’s challenges in a positive way.

8) You will hear exactly what you are supposed to hear.

When you are looking at Jesus, you will hear the right words that you need to hear for your life.

People can discourage you, but Jesus has encouraging words for you.

9) You will never change how you see God.

When you are continuously looking at Him, you will realize that He is the same both in good and bad times.

10) You will want more of Him.

You cannot desire more of what you haven’t seen. Looking to Jesus creates a hunger in us for more of the presence of God.

11) You will know the right steps to take.

Jesus is there to direct and guide us. You need to allow God to lead you by his Spirit. God ordered the steps of Peter as long as he was looking to Jesus.

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