It can be difficult to begin new healthy relationships until there have been resolutions in the old. If you have tried to make amends with the Holy Spirit’s help, but they wouldn’t receive you, there is no choice but to shake the dust off your feet and move on. On the other hand, if you avoid making amends and begin a new relationship, it is similar to putting new wine in old wineskins.

As soon as this relationship begins to have anything similar to the old ones, you start to replay in your mind that you can’t trust people, all of what your past relationships hurt showed you in your soulish realm.

One of the best stories in the Bible of restoration of a family relationship is the life of Joseph and his family, also Esau and Jacob. One example of reconciliation of a relationship is in the life of Paul.

Some people are not useful for every work of the ministry. I know that I am not useful in the ministry of singing and several more. There could be some things that God has called us to, but we are not useful yet in that calling. It requires preparation and training.

Sometimes some relationships are just to torment you to reveal what is in you. Therefore, we have to inquire of the Lord.
In 2 Corinthians 12:7 -9 NLT, Paul shares about his thorn.

Refreshing, repenting, rejoicing, and reset are part of the process. Also, it involves getting in the Lord’s fire to get rid of some flaws that we can’t see. So even in your now, God is preparing you for your next now.

Part of the process has been to shelter in place. Some are at home with their kids. When your kids go back to school, you will look at the teacher with respect and honor. Your kids will catch on to that in the spirit. Perhaps you are spending more time with your spouse.
You might be working at home.

You can’t go out to eat, movies bowling as well as other entertainment.
You have to entertain each other. But, most of all, we should be strengthening our relationship with God through Bible study, communion, and prayer.
If you are not, you might fall away from the Kingdom of God.

Examine what power is working in you after this reset. God wants to use so many of us in the marketplace. Do you have faith or fear working in you to do it?
Do you have confidence or confusion working in you? Do you have poverty of prosperity working in you? Do you have compassion or indifference?
Some people are in a valley of dry bones. Please look at what Ezekiel has to say about these bones in the MSG-version.

Ezekiel 37:1-14 MSG. He talks about the ruah. In Hebrew mythology: ruah is the natural force that represents in its extended meaning the breath of life in human beings and the creative, infilling power of God and His Spirit. In all seasons, it is necessary to have the breath of God to be effective. Be open to allow His breath to blow on every area in your life.

Prophetess Lenita Akles is married to Dennis. They have three children and two grandsons. Together they attend Kingdom Place Ministries. Prophetess Lenita Akles works as a Registered Nurse and hospital chaplain.